Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Quick Tip for Photographers - Batch Processing

Today's quick tip is just a quick video tutorial on how to batch process in Photoshop. Batch Processing is just a simple, easy, fast way to apply one action to a batch of images without having to pull them up one by one, saving you time. Forgive the stuttering, I always get so nervous making these videos and I am fighting sleep. Be sure to check back soon for my next tutorial video on Layer Masking and how to fine tune your actions/post processing. Let me know if you have any questions or if there are any requests for future quick tip videos. Thanks



Leah Ferguson said...

Awesome Video!

Dustin Izatt said...

lol, thanks Leah. I think I might actually hire you to do the voice over for future tip videos though :P I hate hearing my voice online and your voice is so much prettier than mine ;) What's your rate of hire? :P


Amy Rau said...

I love video tutorials from photographers! Keep 'em coming!

Crystal Smith said...

Thanks a ton! I'm so glad I found your blog, I love your style. And I bought some of your actions, they are awesome. Seriously digging "whole grain" at the moment...keep it all coming!